Are you asking yourself the question: can I get my ex to love me again? I don't want to diminish the hurt and anguish you're going through, but I wish I had a penny for every time I've heard someone ask that question. You see, it's not an uncommon problem. Sometimes we are the ones who end a relationship and then later realize that it was a mistake to let them go. Other times, it's out of our hands and someone we love has let us go. Either way, you can make things work out and have your love back with you, no matter how impossible or hopeless it may seem now.
There is one thing you really need to consider, and that is that it's very, very likely that your ex does still love you. Love can be killed. If you treat someone bad enough, long enough the love they had for you will turn to disdain. But, in a lot of cases, that don't involve out and out abuse, but rather just a slow deterioration of the relationship where you both start to take each other for granted, the love is very likely still alive and well even though it's buried and you can't see it.
It's in these times that it's usually the easiest to fan those flames and reignite the passion and love the two of you once felt. If you lost your love because you were abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually) do both of you a favor and don't even consider rekindling things with your ex, or finding someone new, until you've spent some serious time with a counselor who can help you figure out why you have the need to hurt another person, especially someone who loves you.
If the problems aren't quite that serious and dire, the first thing you should do is to find out what your ex does feel for you. The best way to do that is to ask. Call your ex and invite them to coffee, dinner, lunch, a walk, etc. The point is try to find an enjoyable activity that the two of you can do together that will allow you to talk.
This 'date' doesn't have to be a big deal, as a matter of fact, you're probably going to want to keep things pretty casual at this point. Just have fun. Remind your ex of what a great, fun loving person you are. They probably haven't seen that side of you for quite some time. It's hard to be happy and carefree when your relationship is on the rocks. Remind them.
Pay attention to the way your ex responds to these glimpses of the 'old you'. Do they seem interested and engaged? If so, it's a pretty good bet that the love is still there. Do they seem indifferent and like they can't wait to get out of there? If that's the case it might just be too late and you may have to be ready to walk away.
If you and your ex have a great time, ask them if they'd like to get together again. Still keep things light and casual. Don't move too fast. Just keep reminding them, by actions and not words, of the person they fell in love with. This will basically allow the two of you to start all over and that is the answer to your question: can I get my ex to love me again?
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
How Can I Get My Girlfriend To Love Me Again?
Talking It Out.
Are you asking the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again? Well if you are it means two things: one you are hurting and two you are willing to do what it takes to make things better again. There are almost always things you can do that will help you regain a love that has faded.
How difficult will it be, you may be asking yourself. Well, that depends on what went wrong in the first place. If your girlfriend and you just kind of 'fell out of love' over a period of time, it might actually be easier than if you did something wrong such as cheat on her or hurt her physically.
If you did either of those things you should seriously consider getting some counseling before you even attempt to get back with her. If you really care about her than you don't want to cause her any more pain. If you don't deal with whatever issues you have that caused you to act that way in the first place, you might just do it again. Take care of you first before you try to get back with her.
If nothing that dramatic happened in your relationship but maybe you both just kind of started to drift apart and take each other for granted, than it will most likely just be a case of letting her know that you still love her, you're sorry that things went wrong and you want to get the spark back.
Step one, call her and ask her out to dinner, or lunch, or coffee. talk to her calmly. Have fun. Don't make this 'date' a big deal. Keep it casual and friendly. Remind her of the man you are and the good times the two of you used to have before.
Don't blame her, take responsibility for the things you did wrong. Let her know that you think that the two of you can be happy again. Point out that now you know what went wrong the first time (it's actually kind of an advantage since you can avoid the same mistakes this time around). For now, just be friends and have fun. Let nature take it's course... again.
Don't expect to return right back to a physical relationship. Be ready to take time. Act almost as though you are just starting from scratch, like you are dating for the first time. Treat her as well as you did when you first met (and like you should have been treating her during your relationship).
Doing these things are your best bet for having her back in your arms and not ever having to ask the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again?
More than likely, she still has feelings for you. Talking about things out in the open can make a world of difference. That doesn't mean that it will happen overnight, but if the two of you can talk about how things fell apart and what you can do to not only get the love back but what you can do differently so it doesn't fall apart again, you can work things out and find happiness again.
Are you asking the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again? Well if you are it means two things: one you are hurting and two you are willing to do what it takes to make things better again. There are almost always things you can do that will help you regain a love that has faded.
How difficult will it be, you may be asking yourself. Well, that depends on what went wrong in the first place. If your girlfriend and you just kind of 'fell out of love' over a period of time, it might actually be easier than if you did something wrong such as cheat on her or hurt her physically.
If you did either of those things you should seriously consider getting some counseling before you even attempt to get back with her. If you really care about her than you don't want to cause her any more pain. If you don't deal with whatever issues you have that caused you to act that way in the first place, you might just do it again. Take care of you first before you try to get back with her.
If nothing that dramatic happened in your relationship but maybe you both just kind of started to drift apart and take each other for granted, than it will most likely just be a case of letting her know that you still love her, you're sorry that things went wrong and you want to get the spark back.
Step one, call her and ask her out to dinner, or lunch, or coffee. talk to her calmly. Have fun. Don't make this 'date' a big deal. Keep it casual and friendly. Remind her of the man you are and the good times the two of you used to have before.
Don't blame her, take responsibility for the things you did wrong. Let her know that you think that the two of you can be happy again. Point out that now you know what went wrong the first time (it's actually kind of an advantage since you can avoid the same mistakes this time around). For now, just be friends and have fun. Let nature take it's course... again.
Don't expect to return right back to a physical relationship. Be ready to take time. Act almost as though you are just starting from scratch, like you are dating for the first time. Treat her as well as you did when you first met (and like you should have been treating her during your relationship).
Doing these things are your best bet for having her back in your arms and not ever having to ask the question: how can I get my girlfriend to love me again?
More than likely, she still has feelings for you. Talking about things out in the open can make a world of difference. That doesn't mean that it will happen overnight, but if the two of you can talk about how things fell apart and what you can do to not only get the love back but what you can do differently so it doesn't fall apart again, you can work things out and find happiness again.
Will He Ever Love Me Again?
Its Not Guaranteed But...
...If you're in the uncomfortable and painful position where you are asking that question you'll be happy to know that the answer can be yes. Of course, there are never any guarantee's but it is very possible to regain the love and passion the two of you once shared.
One of the biggest things that will determine what you need to do to rekindle your love will be what went wrong in the first place. Did you treat him badly, cheat on him? If you did one of these more serious things it will take longer and be much harder to regain his love and trust.
If the problems in your relationship are more of a 'drifting apart' and not so dire, it may be a little easier to get the lovin' feeling back. Another thing you should consider is, are you sure he doesn't still love you? Just because the two of you are not as close it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't still love you. It could just be that the two of you feel the pressures of day to day life, and not that your love has died.
If you can find a way to spend more, and more meaningful, time with your guy you'll be able to remind him of the woman you are and why he fell in love with you the fist time you two met. It's very important to try to spend time together where you don't discuss work, the kids, your in-laws or any thing else. The two of you need to get into the two of you.
So, what do the two of you do while you're together? It doesn't matter. As long as the two of you do something that both of you enjoy and you do it together. It's not enough for you to tag along with him when he goes bowling or for him to follow you around the mall. You have to do things that both of you enjoy.
Ideally, this together time won't be in a large crowd but rather a more one on one setting. If the two of you like to go dancing than so be it, but it's even better if the two of you like to go some place that's quiet so you can talk and really get to 'know each other' all over again.
If you've really made a huge mess of things you may need to find a good counselor who can help you figure out what mistakes you made as well as why you made those mistakes. If you don't figure out those things you're just going to make the same mistakes over again, even if you do get back together.
Look, if you want to know "will he ever love me again" I can't answer that question for you, no one can. I can tell you that if you go about it the right way you may be able to regain his love and maybe even make your relationship better than it's ever been before.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
...If you're in the uncomfortable and painful position where you are asking that question you'll be happy to know that the answer can be yes. Of course, there are never any guarantee's but it is very possible to regain the love and passion the two of you once shared.
One of the biggest things that will determine what you need to do to rekindle your love will be what went wrong in the first place. Did you treat him badly, cheat on him? If you did one of these more serious things it will take longer and be much harder to regain his love and trust.
If the problems in your relationship are more of a 'drifting apart' and not so dire, it may be a little easier to get the lovin' feeling back. Another thing you should consider is, are you sure he doesn't still love you? Just because the two of you are not as close it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't still love you. It could just be that the two of you feel the pressures of day to day life, and not that your love has died.
If you can find a way to spend more, and more meaningful, time with your guy you'll be able to remind him of the woman you are and why he fell in love with you the fist time you two met. It's very important to try to spend time together where you don't discuss work, the kids, your in-laws or any thing else. The two of you need to get into the two of you.
So, what do the two of you do while you're together? It doesn't matter. As long as the two of you do something that both of you enjoy and you do it together. It's not enough for you to tag along with him when he goes bowling or for him to follow you around the mall. You have to do things that both of you enjoy.
Ideally, this together time won't be in a large crowd but rather a more one on one setting. If the two of you like to go dancing than so be it, but it's even better if the two of you like to go some place that's quiet so you can talk and really get to 'know each other' all over again.
If you've really made a huge mess of things you may need to find a good counselor who can help you figure out what mistakes you made as well as why you made those mistakes. If you don't figure out those things you're just going to make the same mistakes over again, even if you do get back together.
Look, if you want to know "will he ever love me again" I can't answer that question for you, no one can. I can tell you that if you go about it the right way you may be able to regain his love and maybe even make your relationship better than it's ever been before.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
How To Save Your Marriage - Be A Partner
If you really want to know how to save your marriage, you need to figure out what the heck being married is all about. Being married is not about remaining independent and doing things only for yourself. It is about sharing everything in your life with that one special person you chose to spend your life with.
Too often people get married and then immediately start to think they are in trouble or feel trapped and do not know how to handle these feelings. Then they start to feel guilty because they are having these feelings and mistakenly assume that when you get married you should automatically know how to be married.
If you think about it that is just the silliest thing you could do. Question: Did you know how to ride that bike before someone taught you? How about walking and talking? You had to learn that too right? So, what makes you think that you know how to be married? Who taught you how?
Oh sure, your parents can be a role model for you but if their relationship wasn't good and they didn't know how to be married, what have they taught you? Not much of anything except how to do it all wrong.
If this is the case then learning how to save your marriage is of utmost importance. Where do you start? Start by talking to each other. Remember when you first met? You used to talk about anything and everything. What happened? What changed? The only thing that changed is the fact that the two of you got married.
Why should this be a problem? You love each other right? Well, of course you do. That is never the problem. The problem is the high standards you or your partner has that neither one of you can live up to. Marriage is all about making compromises and learning to become a partnership.
The best way to become a partnership is to talk things out all the time. Do not make the mistake of assuming you know what your partner is thinking or how they will react in any given situation. Ask them. Never take them or how they feel for granted. This will only cause more problems.
If you have just recently been married and you have encountered these problems already or you have been married for several years and are old hats at these problems, you can still help yourselves and make things right. Make a commitment to each other that you both will try harder to communicate better.
I know sometimes I forget that my partner is a human being and has thoughts and feelings and perceptions of their own and that I am not the only person in the relationship. I also know that we do communicate effectively most of the time but when one of us decides we know best that makes it difficult to make decisions together especially if the one who thinks they know the best will not listen to reason.
If you love each other but do not like each other much these days, you need to start nurturing your relationship and treating each other with respect. You need to get back to the point where your relationship comes first and the two of you feel connected. Clearing up any misunderstandings and hurt feelings is good advice on how to save your marriage.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
Too often people get married and then immediately start to think they are in trouble or feel trapped and do not know how to handle these feelings. Then they start to feel guilty because they are having these feelings and mistakenly assume that when you get married you should automatically know how to be married.
If you think about it that is just the silliest thing you could do. Question: Did you know how to ride that bike before someone taught you? How about walking and talking? You had to learn that too right? So, what makes you think that you know how to be married? Who taught you how?
Oh sure, your parents can be a role model for you but if their relationship wasn't good and they didn't know how to be married, what have they taught you? Not much of anything except how to do it all wrong.
If this is the case then learning how to save your marriage is of utmost importance. Where do you start? Start by talking to each other. Remember when you first met? You used to talk about anything and everything. What happened? What changed? The only thing that changed is the fact that the two of you got married.
Why should this be a problem? You love each other right? Well, of course you do. That is never the problem. The problem is the high standards you or your partner has that neither one of you can live up to. Marriage is all about making compromises and learning to become a partnership.
The best way to become a partnership is to talk things out all the time. Do not make the mistake of assuming you know what your partner is thinking or how they will react in any given situation. Ask them. Never take them or how they feel for granted. This will only cause more problems.
If you have just recently been married and you have encountered these problems already or you have been married for several years and are old hats at these problems, you can still help yourselves and make things right. Make a commitment to each other that you both will try harder to communicate better.
I know sometimes I forget that my partner is a human being and has thoughts and feelings and perceptions of their own and that I am not the only person in the relationship. I also know that we do communicate effectively most of the time but when one of us decides we know best that makes it difficult to make decisions together especially if the one who thinks they know the best will not listen to reason.
If you love each other but do not like each other much these days, you need to start nurturing your relationship and treating each other with respect. You need to get back to the point where your relationship comes first and the two of you feel connected. Clearing up any misunderstandings and hurt feelings is good advice on how to save your marriage.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
Relationship Problem Advice - Dont Depend On Family And Friends
Where do you turn when you need relationship problem advice? Well, there are several options available to you. You can do some research on the internet to find what you need to know or you can read a book. If you do not find what you need there, you can find someone to talk to. There are therapists out there who specialize in relationships and the problems that can go along with them.
Usually though, before any of the above takes place people who find themselves with a relationship problem advice comes from friends and family. As misguided as this may be it is a step taken by a lot of people. When things start to go bad you tend to look to anyone and everyone for help and people you trust top that list.
Take the advice you get from friends and family with a grain of salt though, every situation is different and your situation is no exception. Advice you get from friends and family may not work for your situation and could confuse things even further.
What you need at a time like this is straight forward, sound advice to help you figure out a bad situation. Trust your instincts when it comes to the advice you find on the internet and in books, too. If it doesn't sound good do not try to use it to fix things between you and your partner.
So, what is the biggest reason why people have problems in their relationship? Lack of communication or lack of effective communication techniques. People just do not know how to talk to each other. Good communication techniques can be learned and if you want to save your relationship you should do whatever it takes to learn them.
Do not make fixing your relationship harder than it has to be. No one is born knowing how to be a good communicator. There are classes you can take at your local community college or you can go see that therapist and they can help you learn what to say and how to say it so your partner will listen and engage in the conversation.
When you learn to communicate effectively you can handle anything that comes up in your life including fixing your romantic relationship. When there is no communication, something that started out to be a small misunderstanding could easily be blown out of proportion and become the thing that destroys a once good relationship.
It is so easy to fall into a dynamic that is unhealthy in your relationship due to ineffective communication. Once the dynamic changes in your relationship it is not so easy to change it back and your relationship may never be the same even if you do learn the right things to do.
If the damage has been done and you are looking for relationship problem advice remember to trust your instincts and do what is best for you and your partner, it will be worth it in the long run.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
Usually though, before any of the above takes place people who find themselves with a relationship problem advice comes from friends and family. As misguided as this may be it is a step taken by a lot of people. When things start to go bad you tend to look to anyone and everyone for help and people you trust top that list.
Take the advice you get from friends and family with a grain of salt though, every situation is different and your situation is no exception. Advice you get from friends and family may not work for your situation and could confuse things even further.
What you need at a time like this is straight forward, sound advice to help you figure out a bad situation. Trust your instincts when it comes to the advice you find on the internet and in books, too. If it doesn't sound good do not try to use it to fix things between you and your partner.
So, what is the biggest reason why people have problems in their relationship? Lack of communication or lack of effective communication techniques. People just do not know how to talk to each other. Good communication techniques can be learned and if you want to save your relationship you should do whatever it takes to learn them.
Do not make fixing your relationship harder than it has to be. No one is born knowing how to be a good communicator. There are classes you can take at your local community college or you can go see that therapist and they can help you learn what to say and how to say it so your partner will listen and engage in the conversation.
When you learn to communicate effectively you can handle anything that comes up in your life including fixing your romantic relationship. When there is no communication, something that started out to be a small misunderstanding could easily be blown out of proportion and become the thing that destroys a once good relationship.
It is so easy to fall into a dynamic that is unhealthy in your relationship due to ineffective communication. Once the dynamic changes in your relationship it is not so easy to change it back and your relationship may never be the same even if you do learn the right things to do.
If the damage has been done and you are looking for relationship problem advice remember to trust your instincts and do what is best for you and your partner, it will be worth it in the long run.
Click here to download The Magic of Making Up and get your ex back today.
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